HOT4D _alpha v0.3

Hot4D is now available in version 0.3. (still R12+ compatible and only 64bits)

If you want to support and make a donation.


The source code can be found on GitHub 

If you have problem with windows be sure to unzip the fftw dlls in the .exe directory.

Update include :

  • A new fields and two slider that will help a lot to create the foam.
  • You can now use the restriction tag on HOT.
  • You will have access to the shader that will allow you to create a vertex displacement map on both world and tangent space. (the tangent space will work only with R14)
  • Cinema4D should not crash if you move hot from object to object with vertex map attached. (but the vertex map will not be updated anymore)

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hot4D update Alpha v 0.21


Go to this page for the last version

The source code can be found on GitHub

I’ve updated HOT4D. It’s should now work with version R12 and more without package restriction. (still 64 bits only)

Updated :

  • – hot4d is now a deformer
  • – “Do Jacobian” added.
  • – you can drag and drop a vertex map in a field to create custom shader.
  • – you can drag a point selection and use it to create particles. (with a matrix object for example)
  • – a threshold slider allow you to add more or less point in the selection tag.

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Testing HOT4D. Really quick and dirty test.

You can see the repetition on the left top corner, but it’s not really a big deal.

More information about the plugin can be found here

Download scene file.

HOT4D Alpha

Get the last version


HOT means Houdini Ocean Toolkit. It’s a plugin for Houdini created by Drew Whitehouse based on a Jerry Tessendorf paper. It allow you to create a surface that look like a deep ocean.

I’ve decided to almost “copy/paste” the code to allow cinema4D’s users access this tool.

The plug-in is on alpha stage. It mean all functions are not implemented yet or will be removed.
Only compatible with cinema4D R14 and more.
Windows 7 and OSX. Continue Reading