Uniform Resizer

I’ve updated the product pyresize. Rewrite in c++ it’s has more options now. Now it’s called Uniform resizer.

Precise and faster

In Cinema 4D you can’t resize objects uniformly to a precise number. (the scale tools is in percentage)

if you want your object to be 300cm (or any unit) in the x direction, you have to calculate the ratio beetween the actual size and the desired size. Then apply that ratio to the other directions.

This tool allow you to enter the desired size in the appropriate direction and, automaticaly, it will calculate and update your objects, splines or selection as needed.


Everything you need

It can be used on : 
   – one or several objects in both model or object mode.
   – one or several splines
   – points, edge, polygon modes
   – uv points or uv polygon modes.

On points, edge, polygon mode you can move your modeling axis, it will resize accordingly 

Select the axis you want to resize

If you want to resize in only two direction at once, desactivate one axis in the UI. And now you can resize on only two direction.

Minimaliste User Interface

You can dock it just above your regular coordinate manager.


Adaptive UI

It change the labels and units when you are in uv mode.

It’s available on aescript.com with the “name your own price” option.

Why aescript.com ? 

There is, on this platform, several tools for after effect and cinema4D. It’s a great platform getting bigger and bigger. There is also this great option “name your own price”. If you want to support the platform (and myself), just set the price you estimate to be fair.  I will use more and more this system in the futur.







Xplode is a plug-in for Cinema4D. Its main function is to break geometry in several pieces.

Based on Voronoi diagram, it use the Thinking Particles module to place the center of the future pieces and to define the cuts that have to be made.

Using it with new mograph dynamics will allow you to reach a new step in your explosion/destruction animations.

Developed to allow thousands of cut in only a few seconds, it will allow you to cut any kind of geometry at the speed of light.

This plugin is compatible with Cinema4D R12,R13 and R14/R15/R16

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Sa principale fonction est de découper une géométrie en plusieurs morceaux.

Sur le principe du diagramme de voronoi, il se base sur des particules du module Thinking Particles pour placer le centre des futurs morceaux et ainsi définir les découpes à réaliser.

Couplé à mograph, il permet de franchir un pas dans l’animation dynamique et les animations de type explosion/destruction.

Prévu pour réaliser plus de trois milles découpe en quelques secondes, il permet de rapidement mettre en pièce n’importe quelle géométrie.

Le plugin est actuellement compatible avec la version 12,13,14,15,16 de Cinema4D

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