Hot4D is now available in version 0.3. (still R12+ compatible and only 64bits)
If you have problem with windows be sure to unzip the fftw dlls in the .exe directory.
Update include :
A new fields and two slider that will help a lot to create the foam.
You can now use the restriction tag on HOT.
You will have access to the shader that will allow you to create a vertex displacement map on both world and tangent space. (the tangent space will work only with R14)
Cinema4D should not crash if you move hot from object to object with vertex map attached. (but the vertex map will not be updated anymore)
I’ve updated the product pyresize. Rewrite in c++ it’s has more options now. Now it’s called Uniform resizer.
Precise and faster
In Cinema 4D you can’t resize objects uniformly to a precise number. (the scale tools is in percentage)
if you want your object to be 300cm (or any unit) in the x direction, you have to calculate the ratio beetween the actual size and the desired size. Then apply that ratio to the other directions.
This tool allow you to enter the desired size in the appropriate direction and, automaticaly, it will calculate and update your objects, splines or selection as needed.
Everything you need
It can be used on :
– one or several objects in both model or object mode.
– one or several splines
– points, edge, polygon modes
– uv points or uv polygon modes.
On points, edge, polygon mode you can move your modeling axis, it will resize accordingly
Select the axis you want to resize
If you want to resize in only two direction at once, desactivate one axis in the UI. And now you can resize on only two direction.
Minimaliste User Interface
You can dock it just above your regular coordinate manager.
Adaptive UI
It change the labels and units when you are in uv mode.
It’s available on with the “name your own price” option.
Why ?
There is, on this platform, several tools for after effect and cinema4D. It’s a great platform getting bigger and bigger. There is also this great option “name your own price”. If you want to support the platform (and myself), just set the price you estimate to be fair. I will use more and more this system in the futur.
Now you can use a raycast option with primitives, no more need to edit them.
You have a handle to control the radius of the sphere witch define the rays length.
The UI is dynamic if you are using the r18. It will only show you the options that are useful.
You can also use null object (by default) or any kind of object (the pivot point will be used) to define anchor points. Just add those object as children of the generator in the correct order. This also allow to move the parent object using the 7 key so you only move the center of the spiderweb without moving the anchor points.
There is, on this platform, several tools for after effect and cinema4D. It’s a great platform getting bigger and bigger. There is also this great option “name your own price”. If you want to support the platform (and myself), just set the price you estimate to be fair. I will use more and more this system in the futur.
HOT means Houdini Ocean Toolkit. It’s a plugin for Houdini created by Drew Whitehouse based on a Jerry Tessendorf paper. It allow you to create a surface that look like a deep ocean.
I’ve decided to almost “copy/paste” the code to allow cinema4D’s users access this tool.
The plug-in is on alpha stage. It mean all functions are not implemented yet or will be removed.
Only compatible with cinema4D R14 and more.
Windows 7 and OSX. Continue Reading